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“The work-life balance working for this company is so amazing. They really promote the fact that if you're happy at home, then you can be happy at work. That’s what I love most about working with a company that can accommodate me in all stages of my life.”

vanessa fruge, process engineer

c06 eyebrow

why it matters

Knowing how much and what kind of emissions are caused by products and services throughout their life cycle can help us make informed decisions about the products we buy, services we use and items we consume.

$100 million

chevron's commitment to OGCI climate investments fund

$100 million

chevron's commitment to OGCI climate investments fund

$100 million

chevron's commitment to OGCI climate investments fund

$100 million

chevron's commitment to OGCI climate investments fund

$100 million

chevron's commitment to OGCI climate investments fund

C17B Eyebrow

carbon footprinting explained

man comparing olive oil at grocery storeThe Chevron Way